The Exchange also addresses community needs by conducting social events in which employees actively participate. During Eid, Tadawul’s employees conducted a major CSR event by celebrating the occasion at hospitals with child cancer patients and injured soldiers. Tadawul also sponsored an International Children’s Day celebration for children of the Disabled Children’s Association.

Tadawul also collaborated with the GCC Board Directors Institute (GCC BDI) in organizing an event which was attended by the Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Khalid Al-Hussan. We also sponsored some events of the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA). Our support for the two professional institutions highlights our commitment to the uplifting of professional and management standards in the Kingdom.
Tadawul also demonstrated its interest in upgrading its employees’ skills by conducting a training programme for some of its staff, such as security staff, to learn basic computer skills and Microsoft Office.
Tadawul was the first Saudi company to sign the Women’s Empowerment Principles. This affirms our dedication to enhancing the position of women in the financial sector, the business community and the society in general.
Gender equality is an issue that is today at the forefront of the global sustainability agenda. Advancing the position of women in business can lead to utilization of a wider talent base, higher productivity, and more purchasing power among customers. Stock exchanges are in a strong position to promote gender equality in the corporate community.

Tadawul has included empowering women in our community-oriented activities, and it is one to which we give a great deal of importance. Our activities in this domain highlight our alignment with the SSE’s Board room diversity and gender equality initiative.

Tadawul promotes gender equality, by encouraging diversity in the Boards and Management teams of listed companies, as well as advancing gender equality in the workforce.
On International Women’s Day 2019, Tadawul hosted the “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality” event. Tadawul’s Chairperson, CEO, and employees attended the event which drew wide participation from leading women in the financial, government and private sectors. The event featured success stories which demonstrated the tremendous potential that women have. On the occasion, Tadawul’s CEO signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles, the first Saudi company to do so. The principles are directed towards strengthening the role of women in the capital market sector as well as in listed companies.

Tadawul also participates in many networking activities with other stock exchanges to promote sustainability issues in tandem with its pledge to support SDGs – in this case aligning with the SSE’s initiative of partnership for sustainable and transparent capital market.
Some of the activities are:
- Tadawul participating in dialogues conducted by the SSE through quarterly conference calls with member exchanges and other partners.
- Participating in the global dialogue led by SSE, conducted every two years, designed to bring together market leaders to analyse, communicate, and foster communication on stock exchange sustainability initiatives.
Opportunities and developments
- The Invest Wisely programme has already brought results in terms of educating users. However, going forward, functional and technical enhancements that would add value are clearly identifiable. Opportunities to expand the reach of the programme by leveraging new technologies and communication media (such as search engine optimization, digital ads, and email newsletters) are also foreseen.
- We have made contributions to preserving the natural environment; both by limiting our own environmental footprint and our advocacy activities to inculcate environmental consciousness among listed companies. There is however, much potential for us to broaden our impact in this area. We need to do more to educate market participants that profit and environmental sustainability can be compatible.
- In 2020, the Company is poised to move to the next level in sustainability by adopting an international ESG model that will serve as a framework to enable us to take more targeted action in this domain.
- We believe that the growth of the Exchange and our contribution to society go hand in hand. We are confident that as the Exchange grows in its market volume and profitability, so will our role in benefiting society. Tadawul will make its contribution, not only through its own activities but also by raising awareness of ESG issues among the market participants.