Case Study

Building the Future of Capital Markets Today: Saudi Capital Market Forum 2023

Saudi Tadawul Group held in February 2023, the second edition of the Saudi Capital Market Forum (SCMF) brought together issuers, investors, private companies, government entities, and financial institutions to explore key issues facing the industry and the evolution of global capital markets, as well as showcase the efforts of Saudi companies in meeting global ESG standards.

A standout event in the regional financial calendar, SCMF 2023 aimed to:

Engaging Stakeholders and building brand

Building on the solid foundation of the inaugural SCMF in 2022, the 2023 edition of the forum was a massive success by any measure. More than doubling the number of attendees from the previous year, it exceeded its targets and 2022 benchmarks, establishing itself as a can’t-miss event and one of the largest capital market conferences in the region.

Saudi Capital Market Forum 2023 at a Glance

assets/img/Participated corporates.svg
Participated corporates
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Corporate field trips
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One-on-one meetings
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Social media impressions
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Views of conference live streams