The Board confirms the following:
- Correctly prepared account records.
- The internal control system was prepared on a sound basis and was effectively implemented.
- There is not the slightest doubt about the Company’s ability to continue its activity.
- There were no recommendations by the audit committee which conflict with Board resolution or any recommendations that the Board disregards relating to the appointment, dismissal, assessment or determining the remuneration of an external auditor, or appointment of an internal auditor.
- The Company has no loans.
- As of the end of 2022, there was no punishment, penalty, precautionary procedure or preventive measure imposed on the Company by the Capital Market Authority or any other supervisory, regulatory or judiciary authority.
- There was no arrangement or agreement whereby a Board Member or a senior executive waived any salary or compensation.
- There was no arrangement or agreement under which a shareholder of the Company has waived any rights to dividends.
- Saudi Tadawul Group did not incur any punishment or penalties during the year of 2022 from any oversight, regulatory, or judicial bodies.
- Where applicable, the Board Members are informed through the Chairperson, of the shareholders’ suggestions and remarks on the Company and its performance.
- There is no any arrangement or agreement under which a shareholder of the Company has waived any rights to dividends.
- There was no competing business with the Company or any of its activities that any member of the Board is engaging in or was engaging in such competing businesses.